B52 Victory Museum

15/04/2016 09:13


Address: 159 Doi Can, Hanoi

Telephone: +84 4 6958 8312

Open Hours: Tuesday– Sunday: 08:00 – 11:30 and 13:00 – 16:30

                        Close on Monday

Ticket:  Free

B-52 Strat fortress was shot down during the first evening of Operation Linebacker II, 18 December 1972, and Vietnam has erected a museum very near the crash site — the Ba Đình neighborhood of Hanoi (Hà Ni) — and it is named the Museum of Victory over B-52 (Bảo Tàng Chiến Thắng B.52). The B-52 wreckage has been removed from the pond formerly named Huu Tiep Lake but is now called B-52 Lake (May Bay B52). There is more at the museum, as well, with descriptions and displays of the aerial combat that has occurred in Vietnam’s History

