02/08/2016 21:18
Tinh Xa Nirvana is located on the slide of Nho mountain, this is a combination of Eastern and Western architectures: the Central Chamber has Buddha Nirvana statue lying on one’s side forwarding the West. On the right, there is Bat Nha boat where is decorated with many flowers and trees and Tho Da forest to reappear the legend about Grotama Crown Prince who saved the life of the people. Bat Nha boat yard has bell tower with four curved roofs, the gables were installed with copper statues, and Dai Hong Bell made of copper was placed inside with deep hollow notes. Ln the front of the Central Chamber, there is a big incense-burner with the pictures of fours supernatural creatures of “Dragon-Unicorn-Tortoise-Phoenix” which were assembled meticulously with broken ceramic pieces of different types.